3M | Marriott | MMM |
Accenture | Marriott | ACC |
advance purchase rateADV | Marriott | ADP |
Aetna | Marriott | AET |
Affiliated Computer Services | Marriott | ACS |
Alaska Airlines | Marriott | A70 |
All State Motor Club – Thursday-Sunday | Marriott | A9M |
Allstate | Marriott | ALL |
also listed again as stay for breakfast | Marriott | XSP |
American Airlines | Marriott | AA8 |
American Express | Marriott | AMX |
American Family Insurance | Marriott | AFI |
American International Group | Marriott | AIG |
American Online | Marriott | AOL |
AMEX Centurion, special booking requirements | Marriott | AXC |
Amway | Marriott | AMW |
APAC | Marriott | 253568 |
APL Apple | Marriott | APL |
Apple Computers (Fullerton, CA at least) | Marriott | APC |
Applied Materials | Marriott | APP |
Arthur Anderson | Marriott | AAC |
Assurant Solutions (Atlanta & Miami) | Marriott | ASG |
Ads: Book Marriott hotels on Rakuten to get a 1.5% cashback. |
AT&T | Marriott | ATT |
ATK | Marriott | 259552 |
Bank of America | Marriott | BOA |
Bank of America | Marriott | BAC |
Bank One | Marriott | BOB |
Bechtel | Marriott | BEC |
Bellsouth | Marriott | 256810 |
Best Avail Rate | Marriott | BAR |
Blackrock | Marriott | 340965 |
BMS | Marriott | 5298 |
BMW | Marriott | BMW |
Boeing | Marriott | 5171 |
BP Amoco | Marriott | BPA |
Buy 1 get 1 free – Springhill Suites | Marriott | BOG |
Buy One Get One Free | Marriott | BWG |
Canada Discounts | Marriott | C9N |
Cardinal Health | Marriott | CDH |
Chick Fil A | Marriott | CFA |
Cisco | Marriott | 13365 |
Cisco | Marriott | 260247 |
Citi | Marriott | CIT |
Clorox | Marriott | CLX |
Coca Cola | Marriott | COK |
Come out and play – Weekend Rates | Marriott | OP7 |
Come out and play – Wknd Rates 15% – AMEX | Marriott | OTP |
Continental Air specials | Marriott | C7J |
Convergys | Marriott | CVG |
Cox Enterprise or Manheim Auto Auction (ONT) | Marriott | COX |
CPI | Marriott | 281403 |
Culture package/Discover Europe | Marriott | ARN |
CVS | Marriott | 283335 |
Daimler Chrysler | Marriott | DCX |
DB | Marriott | 11353 |
De Beers | Marriott | D86 |
Dell | Marriott | DEL |
Deloitte | Marriott | DTC |
Delta | Marriott | DLA |
Deluxe Dining Package | Marriott | D18 |
Deutsche Bank | Marriott | DBK |
Devry (Chicago) | Marriott | DEV |
Dining Package | Marriott | PSE |
Dining package | Marriott | W21 |
Disney Employees | Marriott | DIS |
DTV | Marriott | 2754 |
E&Y | Marriott | 253511 |
E0G E0S Zero’s folks – elite promo codes | Marriott | E0P |
Eastern U.S. Cultural / Arts | Marriott | CUE |
eCampaigns Discount in DC | Marriott | D55 |
Eddie Bauer (Seattle area) | Marriott | EDD |
Electronic Data Systems | Marriott | EDS |
EMC employees | Marriott | EMC |
Encore Discount | Marriott | ENC |
Escape Packages | Marriott | PES |
Exxon Mobil | Marriott | XOM |
Fall getaway | Marriott | N9R |
Fall in love with ATL | Marriott | FAL |
Family fun in the SE USA | Marriott | F8L |
Family Fun pkg resorts AZ CA FL HI NV TX | Marriott | D56 |
Family package | Marriott | MAJ |
Family package | Marriott | NCL |
Family rate pkg | Marriott | FML |
Famtastic – IATA ID required | Marriott | H77 |
Fed Rooms | Marriott | 295936 |
Federal Express | Marriott | FED |
Federated | Marriott | 66272 |
First USA | Marriott | FUS |
Fleet Bank | Marriott | FLT |
Florida Power | Marriott | FPL |
Florida Power | Marriott | FBL |
Florida Residents Rate | Marriott | FXL |
Ads: Book Marriott hotels on Rakuten to get a 1.5% cashback. |
Ford Motor Company | Marriott | FRD |
Fred Hutch inson, Seattle | Marriott | FDU |
Free night stay in southeast | Marriott | H30 |
Friends and family (Also seen as Masterfoods USA) | Marriott | MMR |
From Delta Skymiles statement (unknown if affiliated with above) | Marriott | XSP |
Fuji | Marriott | FUJ |
Gap, Inc | Marriott | GAP |
GE | Marriott | 9360 |
General Dynamics | Marriott | G2D |
General Electric | Marriott | GEE |
General Motors | Marriott | GMC |
Gillette | Marriott | 4764 |
Goldman | Marriott | 254797 |
Google | Marriott | GGL |
Government Rate | Marriott | GOV |
Harvard University | Marriott | 17885 |
Hawaii Escape | Marriott | P74 |
Hot Rates AAA | Marriott | Z2H |
HP | Marriott | 5105 |
HP | Marriott | 5444 |
IBM | Marriott | IBM |
If you work for CNL corp which often owns MR props | Marriott | CNL |
IIDA | Marriott | 290717 |
in Baton Rouge | Marriott | SHA |
Incentive Awd | Marriott | INC |
Intel | Marriott | INL |
Intel INL Intel | Marriott | IBS |
International Hotels (20% discount) | Marriott | V12 |
Intuitive Surgical | Marriott | 10053 |
JC Penney | Marriott | JCP |
Johnson and Johnson | Marriott | 10053 |
JP Morgan Chase | Marriott | JPM |
Kroger | Marriott | KRO |
LA Airport | Marriott | W9S |
Legg Mason | Marriott | LGM |
Lehman Bros | Marriott | LEH |
Leisure Links | Marriott | XML |
Leisure Rate | Marriott | LRR |
Local promotion rate | Marriott | LPR |
London Area Marriott Hotels | Marriott | V88 |
Long term stay | Marriott | LTS |
Los Angeles Renaissance $76/night F-Su | Marriott | R8H |
Love You Special Rates | Marriott | LVU |
Lowes | Marriott | LOW |
Lufthansa Miles and More Elite | Marriott | LHS |
LVMH | Marriott | 256547 |
Manhattan Associates | Marriott | MAA |
Marriiott Associate Pleasure rate | Marriott | MMP |
Marriott E-Breaks – US/Canada | Marriott | MEB |
Marriott Rewards Elite Offers | Marriott | M12 |
Marriott Rewards Member Offers | Marriott | M11 |
Marriott VIP Athletic Program | Marriott | VIP |
Meal Promo | Marriott | EAT |
Medical Staffing Chicago MLB SAB Miller | Marriott | MFF |
Mesa AZ courtyard rate | Marriott | Z4M |
Microsoft | Marriott | MCO |
MIT | Marriott | 363006 |
Morgan Stanley | Marriott | MOS |
MSDW | Marriott | 2743 |
MSDW | Marriott | 59009 |
National City Bank | Marriott | NCY |
National promotional Rate (this appears as various companies pending location) | Marriott | NPR |
New York special rates through Sept 7 | Marriott | D58 |
Nike | Marriott | NKE |
Nissan Corporation | Marriott | NIS |
Northrop Grumann | Marriott | NOR |
Northwest airlines specials in southwest US | Marriott | D52 |
Novell Pharmacy | Marriott | NOV |
Novellus | Marriott | NVL |
Oracle | Marriott | 77377 |
Oracle | Marriott | ORA |
Package Rates | Marriott | PKG |
Park and Fly | Marriott | PKF |
Pepsi | Marriott | PEP |
Pere Marquette New Orleans (and different results throughout Europe) | Marriott | P42 |
Pfizer | Marriott | 4899 |
Pfizer | Marriott | PFE |
Philips | Marriott | PHI |
Piedmont Natural Gas | Marriott | PID |
Point Saver | Marriott | P17 |
Proctor & Gamble | Marriott | PAG |
Professional Cricket Association (London) | Marriott | P26 |
Prudential | Marriott | PRU |
PWC | Marriott | 5232 |
Qualcomm (SD) | Marriott | QUA |
Raytheon | Marriott | 9753 |
RBC Royal Bank | Marriott | 57845 |
Renaissance $100 Savvy Savings Cert future 2 night stay | Marriott | R6M |
Renaissance Hotels or SE FS Marriotts 3 night min $100 credit | Marriott | I24 |
Ritz Carlton – need ID! | Marriott | RTZ |
SAB Miller | Marriott | MLB |
Saloman Smith & Barney | Marriott | SAL |
SAP | Marriott | SAP |
Sara Lee | Marriott | SAR |
Scientific Atlanta | Marriott | STF |
Shell | Marriott | SHL |
Siemens | Marriott | 7346 |
similiar to M11 with free b/f for 06 | Marriott | M9W |
someone stated for cops and firemen or 2 rm family pkg World Center | Marriott | LLR |
Sony | Marriott | 12698 |
Sony (good in Berlin, NY, CA per FT’er) | Marriott | SON |
Southwest Airlines | Marriott | SW8 |
Spa Package | Marriott | SPA |
Special Value Rate | Marriott | D50 |
Sporting Event | Marriott | SPO |
Sprint | Marriott | SPR |
Stanford University | Marriott | 349097 |
State street | Marriott | SSB |
Stay 2 get one free | Marriott | HPR |
Stay for breakfast | Marriott | S4B |
Sun Microsystems | Marriott | SUN |
SWS | Marriott | 340519 |
Syracuse University | Marriott | 60848 |
Taste of Italy (dining packages, not only in italy) | Marriott | D60 |
Texas Instruments | Marriott | TXI |
Theme park | Marriott | EMV |
Theme parks | Marriott | THM |
ThyssenKrupp AG | Marriott | TSN |
Toshiba | Marriott | TOS |
Toyota | Marriott | TOY |
Travel Zoo Special Offers | Marriott | TZO |
Trowe Price | Marriott | TR5 |
TRW, Inc | Marriott | TRW |
Tulane University | Marriott | T72 |
Turner Broadcasting System | Marriott | TBS |
Two for Breakfast | Marriott | TFB |
UBS | Marriott | UBS |
UCLA | Marriott | 364183 |
UK Barclays Promo | Marriott | YB6 |
Ads: Book Marriott hotels on Rakuten to get a 1.5% cashback. |
UK Easter code used Spring 05 | Marriott | D55 |
Uniglobe Travel | Marriott | UNI |
United Airlines | Marriott | UAL |
United airlines in London | Marriott | U54 |
United Parcel Service | Marriott | UPS |
University of Pennsylvania | Marriott | 4309 |
University of Texas | Marriott | 35902 |
Unknown (possibly need Tvl agent ID) | Marriott | TVL |
Visa | Marriott | VSA |
Wachovia Bank | Marriott | WAC |
Walt Disney Imagineering | Marriott | WDI |
Washington D.C Tourism Coalition | Marriott | WCT |
Washington Mutual | Marriott | WMU |
We Car(e) for you | Marriott | TRS |
Wells Fargo | Marriott | WEL |
Western hotels special rates | Marriott | W8S |
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